Writing Guide on How to Start an Essay

Essay writing is a task that is assigned to high school students as well as college and university students. Each level has certain requirements that must be met. But even with all the criteria taken into account, it is sometimes difficult to get started on writing an essay. This can be due to the student's confusion, lack of experience, and other reasons. You can find recommendations on where to start working on the text below. Use them to complete the task at the highest level.

Basic Ways to Attract the Readers’ Attention

When writing an essay, you need to focus on the attractiveness of the text to the audience. To do this, you should choose sentences in such a way as to generate interest from the first lines. Experienced authors use many techniques that are easy to recognize after studying the information. If you have absolutely no experience, you can use essay writing service to get ready-made text according to the requirements. Professionals who will take into account all the nuances and create maximum audience involvement will do the job for you.

Shock or Humor: Share the Fact

One of the popular ways to start a text is to share a funny or shocking fact. To do this, do your research on the topic and find as much information as possible. The fact should preferably be a little-known one. At the same time, keep an eye on its credibility.

With a fascinating fact, you will capture the audience’s attention. Readers will want to clarify information, so they will continue to read the material. The fact must relate directly to the topic of the paper.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

Questions at the beginning of the essay are an invitation to the audience to interact. Now the people around you will not be able to passively receive information; they will have to join the conversation. At the same time, the reader has the right to choose a side independently, agreeing with your opinion or taking up the opposition.

The questions are relevant to essays of various types. They allow the audience to think about the topic and draw their own conclusions. Then, readers and listeners will decide how effective your arguments are.

Imaginary Scene – Use Your Imagination

Come up with a specific scene related to the topic of your work. The approach is actively used in creative essays, as well as in a text with the need to persuade the audience. You will be able to emphasize your position or set your readers in a certain way.

What does staging mean in an essay? If the topic permits, you can begin with this text: "Imagine that you have taken a trip on an airplane. During the flight, you enjoy the pleasant service and excellent views from the porthole. Then, you notice that the wing of the plane is on fire. Next, the discussion begins, and the readers become more and more involved.

Use a Quotation

Feel free to adopt the wisdom of other authors and famous personalities. A quote is a powerful way to start an essay. But it should fully correspond to the topic of the text, revealing the information you gave. If the reader has to search for the quote on his own and figure out how it relates to the rest of the essay, then the element loses its relevance.

Formulate Your Thesis Statement Competently

One of the easiest types of introductions is to state your own thesis statement. In other words, you get right to the point. If you compare presenting information with diving into a pool, there is an instant jump to the depths. A thesis introduction will be a great option when writing an analytical essay.

Essay Introduction: Basic Rules

When writing an essay introduction, it is not enough to be guided by the ways to attract attention. You need to adhere to other guidelines so that the beginning becomes the basis of an excellent paper. But you shouldn’t forget about the rest of the text. After all, an essay is not only a powerful introduction. A well-structured body and a solid conclusion are no less important.

Set the Tone of the Text

Choose all the elements of the essay correctly. For example, an amusing quote is inappropriate when writing a serious analytical text. Another inappropriate choice is statistical data used when creating a descriptive essay.

It is recommended to read the first paragraph aloud and understand the tone of the text. Is there a correspondence between the first lines and the rest of the piece? If there is a noticeable shift in tone, it is better to refine the essay.

Work in Reverse Order

Sometimes it’s not easy to start a task. And if you notice that you’ve been staring at a blank screen for a long time and the deadline is getting closer, begin your work with the body of work or the conclusion. Knowing where your essay will lead, feel free to work backward. It is sometimes much better than just sitting around doing nothing.

Don’t Forget to Edit

Checking your text for errors and subsequent editing is an important component. Even an excellent introduction, a great body, and a strong conclusion do not cancel out literacy and structure. Correct any flaws to make the information easier to understand.


Creating an introduction to an essay sometimes involves some difficulties. But the work cannot be canceled, and therefore, it is necessary to overcome yourself and start the task. The main thing is not to sit idly by and gradually overcome obstacles. In this case, you will be able to create an exciting introduction that will instantly attract the attention of the audience.